Hair Rejuvenation for Men and Women
From PRP to Products, Luna is the Hudson Valley’s Best Dermatology Clinic for Hair Regrowth
Thinning hair is a challenge for both men and women alike, affecting more than 80 million Americans every year. Not that most of us need a reminder- we’re seemingly bombarded by a constant stream of ads for products that promise quick results and voluminous hair that would make Rapunzel jealous. But all those shampoos, topical solutions, and supplements will only go so far on their own. To truly address hair loss, a more comprehensive approach is often needed to get to the… root of the issue.
The good news is that you’ve come to the right place! At Luna Dermatology we employ a multi-tiered strategy to analyze the underlying causes of your hair loss first, and then create a customized plan to address it. Moreover, with access to a range of solutions beyond what is available online or in a local drugstore, you can rest assured that better treatment (and fuller hair) is just around the corner. Read on to learn more about our process to promote hair regrowth and rejuvenation!

Interested in which hair rejuvenation options are best for you? Let’s talk.
The Assessment
We can’t tell you how many times patients come to us after spending copious amounts of time and money on over-the-counter products that never worked for them. We’re not making light of this; after all, it can be extremely frustrating! But it shouldn’t be a huge surprise that one is getting mediocre results if one doesn’t know WHY they are losing their hair in the first place.

Treating your hair loss without taking time to understand why the loss is occurring is like throwing spaghetti against the wall and hoping that something sticks (please note that we do not recommend spaghetti as a substitute for, or treatment of, hair loss).
At Luna Dermatology we often start with a full panel of bloodwork to assess whether certain factors such as vitamin D, iron, or hormone levels are influencing your hair loss. It’s an important first step for many, and is more extensive and specific to hair loss than the typical bloodwork one may have at his or her primary care provider.
In addition, our team will conduct a lifestyle analysis to determine if one’s environment, habits, career, or other factors could be playing a role. Whether your hair loss is due to genetics, hormone changes, aging, or lifestyle, gathering this type of holistic information is critical and ultimately allows us to tailor a hair rejuvenation plan to your unique needs. Even better, while it can differ from company to company, the bloodwork and analysis done at this stage are often covered by insurance (please check with our team to confirm in advance).
Injection-Based Rejuvenation
One of the many advantages of coming to Luna Dermatology for your skin and hair health is that we take a more advanced, hands-on approach to your treatment regimen when compared to general medical offices or online services. This is especially evident when it comes to addressing hair loss. While oral supplements and topical medications can do wonders (learn more below) sometimes what our hair follicles really need is a swift kick in the butt, targeted directly at the source of the issue, to wake up and get moving. This is where ILK injections and platelet rich plasma come into play, allowing for precise treatment that stimulates hair rejuvenation quite effectively. But many have never even heard of these options. So, what are they and how do they work?

ILK stands for Intralesional Kenalog. In this procedure, we inject a small amount of Triamcinolone acetonide (a common steroid solution) directly to the areas of hair loss. By doing this, we keep the steroid limited to the regions of concern, rather than other parts of the body. But why inject a steroid to the scalp, beard, or other areas?
Forget those images of body builders; it’s not like a steroid used for muscle growth! Instead, some hair loss occurs when the body’s own immune system starts fighting the hair follicles rather than an actual infection. When this happens, steroids can counteract that localized immune response from harming the hair follicles and reduce inflammation, thus greatly reducing or even reversing hair loss in that area.
ILK injections can be used for a number of hair loss conditions, including: Alopecia Areata (scalp, beard, and eyebrows), Lichen Plano Pilaris, Frontal Fibrosis Alopecia, Discoid Lupus, and Folliculitis de Calvans.
ILK injections are NOT a good solution for male and female pattern hair loss, advanced alopecia, or traction-induced hair loss.
Depending on the severity of your condition, it may take only one treatment or multiple sessions to address your hair loss. Side effects are generally mild, with the most common being temporary pinpoint bleeding and soreness immediately following the injections.
PRP stands for Platelet Rich Plasma. In this procedure, we harness the power of your body’s own nutrients and growth factors (found in the platelets of your blood) to stimulate hair regrowth. Overall, it is an excellent option for a variety of forms of hair loss, as well as those who prefer a more natural remedy compared to pharmaceutical solutions. Sound too good to be true?
While PRP isn’t a miracle cure, the truth is, despite all the advances in modern healthcare, oftentimes the best medicines already exist within our own body and the natural world around us. In fact, platelet rich plasma injections have been used for decades, helping athletes heal after injury and providing anti-aging benefits to millions.
ready to explore injection-based hair rejuvenation? Schedule your appointment today.
Oral Therapies
In addition to our injection-based treatments, we also offer oral therapies to address hair loss. Broadly speaking, these can be divided into two categories: prescription medications and nutritional supplements. Prescription medications for men with male pattern baldness include finasteride (sometimes referred to by its brand name of “Propecia”).
Finasteride works by preventing the conversion of testosterone into dihydrotestosterone (DHT). When regular testosterone changes into DHT, it can lead to prostate growth and hair loss, so stopping that before it starts is generally a very effective approach to slowing male pattern baldness, and even encouraging hair regeneration. Even better, the process of blocking the production of DHT will not typically affect hair on other parts of your body.

Beyond Finasteride, there are other oral medications worth nothing including Dutasteride and oral Minoxidil. In fact, Dutasteride may be even more effective than Finasteride, by blocking both types of the hair loss inducing alpha-reductase enzymes (whereas Finasteride only blocks one). More studies are needed, but this is promising. Depending on your specific situation, and a member of our medical staff will be able to guide you through your best options.
In addition to prescription medications, nutritional supplements can slow hair loss by ensuring the body has key vitamins and minerals needed to reduce inflammation and support increased hair health. In particular, Vitamins D, C, and B12, along with iron, zinc, and folic acid have been identified to support hair health. Oftentimes, we recommend these advanced “nutraceutical” supplements in combination with other therapies to support healthy hair at its foundation and promote faster-growing, thicker, stronger hair.

topical solutions
The final weapon in our arsenal to fight hair loss is topical applications. These range from time-tested solutions such as Minoxidil, to newer products like Finasteride and Latisse. Each functions a little differently, and our team will work with you determine which option is best for your particular concern.
Minoxidil is one of the most widely used hair growth products in the world, particularly when treating androgenic alopecia in both men and women. In fact, it has been used to treat hair loss since the 1980s. So how does it work? First, it’s important to note that our hair goes through four stages of a growth cycle, and at any given point you have hairs in each of these phases (growth phase, transition phase, resting phase, shedding phase). to maintain results.
Minoxidil works by shortening the duration of the resting phase of your hair growth cycle and increasing the number of hairs in the active growth phase. Like many treatments for hair loss, it must be used indefinitely as long as the patients wants
Finasteride is another topical option. Unlike the pill form we mentioned previously, finasteride can also be applied topically. What’s more is that we now have the ability to combine topical finasteride with minoxidil in the same treatment. This approach allows you to have the benefits of each; finasteride to prevent further hair loss and minoxidil to promote hair growth. This solution is not right for everyone, and you should discuss with our dermatology team if it’s a good option for you.
Last but not least, we offer a product called “Latisse.” Latisse is the first FDA-approved prescription specifically designed for eyelash growth. The product has grown in popularity over recent years, with users boasting fuller, thicker, darker lashes. Eyelash hypotrichosis is the medical term for having lower than average length, thickness and/or number of eyelashes. Until recently there were no approved medications to regenerate one’s own eyelashes, and solutions were limited to synthetic options such as fake lashes. Studies suggest that Latisse is effective for over 75% of patients, with the most common side effects being an itching sensation in the eyes and/or eye redness (this was reported in about 4% of patients in clinical studies).